Target archers
Winter season is rapidly approaching, and we have already stopped shooting on the football pitches on Thursday nights. Tuesday evenings from 6pm will keep going into November but will be using floodlights. We continue 2-5pm Sundays all year round.
Most weekday evenings over winter will see people at the target ranges at the front of the woods. We use battery powered lights so can still shoot when its dark. Do come and have a look one evening and see what it’s about.
Field Archers
A reminder that you cannot use the Target bosses at the front of the range. These belong to the target side of the club and it’s how we differentiate between full members paying £40 and field only members paying £10.
It has come to the committee’s attention that some users of the field course are not Cody Bowmen members. They are either lapsed members or were erroneously told that joining the main sports club was sufficient. This is not the case and all users must be current members in order to shoot on our ranges. If you see someone using the range you do not know, please do ask if they are members of both the sports club and the archery section and if not, ask them to join the section.
All Archers
With the club getting larger, it is difficult to keep up with all the members. This year, we will be producing a membership card that we would like everyone to display on their person while shooting. This will let other archers know that you are officially part of the club and enable people to challenge interlopers. These will start to be distributed in October, once most of our subscriptions are in.
Parking has become an issue on Tuesday nights. Can I remind all archers that we must not park in front of Runabout, either on the hard standing, or the woods “additional parking” area at any time. Runabout pay QinetiQ for this car park so we are not allowed on it.
We are allowed to park in the Nursery car park out of hours (space permitting) but we cannot park in the parents pickup part before 6:30 pm. Weekends are fine unless the nursery has an event on.
If the nursery car park is full then we must park in the sports club car park. I know this is a long walk over to our shooting area, but this is what is required by all users of the sports club.
The clubs annual subs are due for the next year of shooting.
The main club fees remain the same, however the Cody Sports & Social club have increased their fees by £5 to £40 and in addition are charging £10 for partners. So, this year’s fees are:
Cody Bowmen
£40 Seniors
£25 Juniors
£10 Field only Seniors
£5 Field only Juniors
Cody Sports & Social Club
£40 Full Member
£10 Partner of full member
(-£20 discount can be claimed from FAA for CSSC members)
Archery GB
£48 New Senior
£45 Renewing senior
£22 Under 25/Disabled
£18 Renewing Under 25/Disabled
Hence, normal adult membership is £80, Juniors £25. Field only £50, Juniors £5
If you are unsure which category you need to be in, please see the Chairman/Secretary who will qualify it.
Please check that your details are up to date and please send any missing data back to Robert so that he can update your records.
Those who joined over the summer have mostly paid their subs, however, a few only part paid as I didn’t know the increase in affiliations that have now been set. Some have over paid £10 so I will be returning this money shortly.